Penny and Johnny roam. This is not necessarily the best or easiest way to parent in a country where I don't speak the language, but it works wonders for their burgeoning sense of self.
Let me be reeallllllyyyy clear, this is not a veiled attempt to prove my parenting abilities or that what we're doing is "right"...nope not at all, I feel like I'm making this up as I go along. But I wouldn't change it for the world. Margareta and I have somewhat different parenting styles. Hopefully these two balance each other out. I worry, constantly, seriously, all the time. In fact, just tonight, Penny had us all laughing when she dropped into her best three year old impression of me. Think deep, somewhat goofy voice, "Penny!" she boomed, "watch out for your brother!" She had us all rolling, even little man thought it was accurate and hilarious. Margareta is the opposite of this and I really want to be like her! It's not that she doesn't worry, she does, (she really is the best mother ever!) but her worry is moderated by being the oldest of six. She has literally seen everything! There's nothing that our two can do to faze her.
What does this mean for Penny and Johnny? Penny feels safe in the world around her. She knows there are boundaries, but that within those boundaries she can explore to the fullest. Johnny sees what his big sister is doing and feels comfortable because she's there...he's also somewhat aware of his father tagging along behind him, imploring him to not eat the thing he found on the ground.
I say all this because at dinner tonight, the waitress had already heard about Penny through some friends that she made at the beach late last week. The fact that they were telling tales of our girl is amazing by itself, the fact that she remembered Penny's name unprompted is a testament to who our girl is becoming.
This means the world to me because I've always considered myself to be somewhat quiet and reserved. Seeing my girl walk up to kids who don't speak the same language as her and immediately become fast friends is jarring and beautiful to watch in action.
There's a great deal of Penny in Maeve. The confidence, the swagger, the belief that she is doing the right thing...these all come from my sweet/fiery girl.
As I said about a video of Penny dancing down the darkened streets of a city in a foreign land, "Her spirit makes me soar."
Good night friends.